Review student work in one notebook

  1. Open OneNote and select the Class Notebook you’d like to review.
  2. Select the Class Notebook tab in the OneNote ribbon, then select Review Student Work.ONENOTE STUDENT WORK 1
  3. When the Review Student Work pane appears, select the student section you’d like to review, then Next. For example: Handouts.ONENOTE STUDENT WORK 2
  4. Choose a page and select Next.

    Note: Switch the toggle on to include pages your students have copied from the Content Library. The pages you’ll see by default are those you’ve assigned or distributed to students using the Distribute Page tool.


  5. Choose a student’s name from the list to review their work. Select First name or Last name to change the sorting of the list.ONENOTE STUDENT WORK 4


    • If you’d like to prevent students from making edits to the page you’re reviewing, select Page Locking. Choose the checkbox next to a student’s name to lock pages individually or choose the Select All checkbox to lock every student’s page. When you’re finished, select Apply.
    • To unlock pages, return to the Review Student Work pane and select Page Locking again.
  6. Close the Review Student Work pane when you’re done.

Review student work across notebooks

Follow these steps if you’d like to review assignments across multiple Class Notebooks at the same time. This is especially helpful for teachers instructing more than one class with the same content.

  1. Select the Class Notebook tab and navigate to one of your Class Notebooks.
  2. Select Review Student Work > Cross Notebook Review.ONENOTE STUDENT WORK 5
  3.  Select the checkboxes next to the notebooks with work you want to review. Select Next.ONENOTE STUDENT WORK 6
  4.  Select a section to review, then a page. For example: Quizzes, Homework 3. Expand a section group to view all the sections.ONENOTE STUDENT WORK 7
  5. Choose a student’s name from the list to review their work. Select First name or Last name to change the sorting of the list.


    • If you’d like to prevent students from making edits to the page you’re reviewing, select Page Locking. Choose the checkbox next to a student’s name to lock pages individually or choose the Select All checkbox to lock every student’s page. When you’re finished, select Apply.
    • To unlock pages, return to the Review Student Work pane and select Page Locking again.
  6. Close the Cross Notebook Review pane when you’re done.